Tips for finding the will of god in your life
Pray Daily
We encourage all who are discerning a call to religious life to make daily prayer the center of their day. Get in the habit of praying at least 30 minutes of silent prayer a day, attending daily Mass and praying the liturgy of the Hours.
Grow With Christ
Our goal in life in union with God forever in heaven. While here, we must grow in closer union with Christ through the church and the sacraments. It is important to regularly go to confession. Make every effort to avoid sin and grow in virtue.
Come and See
If you are discerning your vocation, this would be the best way to get to know us. Visiting religious communities will help you to see if this kind of life is for you. Take part in our prayer life, meet the missionaries, join us for missionary work, learn more about our community life and discover our charism.
Spiritual Direction
St Alphonsus says that if we get our vocation wrong, we get everything wrong. It is important to have a spiritual director to help us discover the movement of the holy spirit in our lives. We cannot live the spiritual life alone.
Follow God
We must follow God where he calls us. If we notice that he is calling us to a more perfect life and one lived entirely for him, we should follow that call into religious life.
If you believe that God has called you to a life fully devoted to living out the gospel call as a contemplative missionary, we encourage you to apply now to become a Missionary of the Real Presence.