Missionary Observership
discern without expectations
What is the Observership Program?
about the program
An observer is able to become fully immersed in our way of life without the obligations or expectations of a fully committed brother. He lives in a cell, prays as he is able with our liturgical schedule, eats in our refectory, shares in our apostolic work and manual labor and participates in formation and community life. He is able to live with the Missionaries for up to a year in this state. During this time he is encouraged to discern his Vocation whether to our community or elsewhere. There are not expectations to join the Missionaries, but many who join the observer program may feel drawn to our community and may begin the application during his stay.
Who is the program for?
The Observer program is great for those who may not know exactly where they are called, but want to serve the church and grow closer to the Lord. We are open to those who do not have a college degree, are on a summer break from college, in between jobs, second career vocations or may feel they have missed their time to find a vocation to religious life. One does not have to be certain of their vocation upon coming as an observer, they must just be open to following the Lord where He calls and desire to live a holy life. Since there are not as many obligations placed on the observer as the missionaries, it can be a time for him to discover if he is fit for this kind of life.