Street Disciple House
Our house is an intentional community for Catholic men who desire to be formed as disciples for the apostolic renewal of the church. Men may be students, working a job or consecrated missionaries. Each member of the house will commit to a life of daily prayer, weekly evangelization, weekly formation and community night.
Three Types of Disciples
One Mission
College Disciple
Located on the Marquette University campus, the street disciple house provides a space for men to be formed as disciples while studying in college. College Disciples will commit to a life of daily prayer, weekly evangelization, weekly formation and community night in addition to their studies. The house is also only one bus ride away from many other Milwaukee colleges such as UWM, MSOE, MATC, MCW, WLC, MIAD
Working Disciple
Do you want to share your faith? Do you feel like you may be called to a vocation, but stuck with debt and need to work to pay it off? If you answered yes, we invite you to live in our intentional community for men to be formed as disciples while working a job in the Milwaukee area. You may stay at your current job and commit to some basic daily and weekly practices to continue to grow in holiness and discern your call. Working Disciples will commit to a life of daily prayer, weekly evangelization, weekly formation and community night.
Consecrated Disciple
Do you want to devote your entire life to living & proclaiming the gospel? Consecrated Missionaries make themselves completely available to live out the spirituality of the community. They live within the community and will take private vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. The Consecrated Disciple will commit to a rigorous life of discipleship. They will live a life of deep prayer spending at least 3 hours a day in prayer through Liturgy of the Hours, Mass, Holy Hour and private prayer. From this life of prayer, they go out to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations. The Consecrated Disciples will go through formation in house and may also take courses at the seminary or other Catholic colleges.
House Inquiry Form
Are you interested in sharing in our community life? Help us get to know you!